so you will probably need to select a better text editor. TeachText/SimpleText, but it can't open files larger than 32K, dumping word lists or saving statistics. The initial application is Lets you select an application for opening the text files created by @BSelect Text Editor... save the current game (if started) in a file called "Saved Game". If ticked then, just before quitting, the program will automatically @BSave Game on Quit all-Mac games (just let the program run overnight). game automatically. This allows you to collect statistics for many players, then after updating the file the program will start a new If statistics are being saved and the Mac is making moves for all after every game played between the same players. The file is created in the same folder as the program; it is updated statistics in a text file called "stats for player1 vs player2 vs ...". If ticked then at the end of every game the program will save some @BSave Statistics the Mac has moved. are moved to the board. This can help make it easier to see where If ticked then the Mac's letters are temporarily hilighted as they @BBlink Mac's Moves moves won't be influenced by the letters in a Mac player's rack. Scrupulously honest players can turn off this option so that their If ticked then the letters belonging to all Mac players are visible. @BShow Mac's Letters right corner of each letter. If ticked then the current letter values are displayed at the bottom @BShow Letter Values always in front. moved to any desired screen location. The current player's rack is If ticked then all player racks will be displayed. These racks can be @BShow All Racks If ticked then big racks will be used. @BBig Racks your screen is large enough to support the big size. If ticked then a big board will be used. This item is only enabled if @BBig Board is begun. then any changes are saved in the preferences file and a new game their colors (assuming you have a colour monitor). If you click OK of rows and columns, the arrangement of the multiplier squares, and Changes the current board configuration. You can change the number @BChange Board... changes are saved in the preferences file and a new game is begun. simply want to look at the current settings. If you click OK then any Changes the letter values and counts. Use the Cancel button if you @BChange Letters... better strategic move. board, whereas level 9 uses some heuristic rules to try and find a the highest scoring move based on the current letters, word list and Skill levels 8 and 9 don't have any scoring limits. Level 8 just finds are: 0=10, 1=15, 2=20, 3=25, 4=30, 5=35, 6=40, 7=45. Skill levels 0 to 7 limit the Mac's score for each move. The limits will play a game entirely by itself — good fun to watch! up to 9 for expert. If all player names end with a digit then the Mac digit. The digit specifies a skill level, ranging from 0 for novice The Mac will make moves for any player with a name ending in a without starting a new game, just click in the player's score box.) and a new game is begun. (To change the name of a single player If you click OK then any changes are saved in the preferences file Changes the current player names and/or the number of players. @BChange Players... or in the System folder under earlier versions. which is created in the Preferences folder under System 7 and later, All options are saved in a preferences file called X-Words Prefs